Discovery and Audience Profiling.

Every single KPI can benefit from a deeper understanding of customers. Get to know yours better. Learning more about the people who buy from you and what influences their decisions leads to better reach and, ultimately, lower campaign CPAs.

Our Expertise.

There are few digital agencies who place as much importance on the understanding, development and engagement of audiences as we do. Successfully grabbing the attention of buyers is central to success, and you can only do that by understanding them.

Our approach has evolved over the years to encompass focus groups, customer interviews, surveys, data-mining and several other key tactics that help inform our understanding of audiences, as well as how we can reach them and influence their decisions.

People buy from people. They also buy from brands. The more we know about people, the easier we make it for them to become customers.

We Know Discovery And Audience Profiling.

Audience understanding is so important we made it part of our process. The first part of our process. Putting in the work up-front leads to lower acquisition costs later on, so it pays to entrust this work to an experienced partner.

Tailored focus groups and customer interviews

We take audience discovery seriously, and have adopted into our process several of the tried and tested approaches to generating customer insights that have been serving marketing teams for decades.

We conduct focus groups and interviews with your existing customers and their lookalike peers, building up a significant understanding of their differentiating characteristics, triggers, barriers and specific challenges along the way.

The best insight comes straight from the horse's mouth. Not sure why a particular segment isn't converting? Let us ask them for you and do something about it.

Workshops for your team and key stakeholders

Part of launching a successful digital marketing campaign is bringing everyone else along on the journey. But having them around can have other benefits too, especially when it comes to insights.

Wherever possible we seek to make our workshopping process as inclusive as it can be - and the presence of senior stakeholders is actively encouraged. We've run discovery and brand workshops for some of the UK’s biggest brands, so our facilitators are comfortable working with - and getting the most out of - people at any level.

Better articulate your brand proposition

Struggling to be heard? Feel like people don't really ‘get’ your offering? Might be cause for an audience-fuelled rethink, to help you better understand, articulate and communicate your brand proposition to the right people.

From start-up to relaunch, we've worked with businesses across the UK to do this vital work, making contributions from the branding of products to the ripping-up-and-starting-again of existing comms plans. All of it informed by speaking to your customers.

We can help you work out the WHAT, HOW and WHY of your offering - and then get it out to the masses.

Real, actionable insight

As much as we love it, we know that insight is only valuable if put to use in the right way. You could know plenty about your customers, but unless you action it, that knowledge will go to waste.

Our discovery process is run by people who have built, managed and worked on campaigns like yours before. This means they never fail to pass forward insight they know will be useful and relevant when it comes to your campaign. It also makes them adept at packaging up information to make it as useful as possible.

All of our documentation and processes are geared towards action: whether it’s the creation of a content plan or guidelines for online ads, we know how to group and format discovery outputs in the most easily actionable way, to provide the biggest boost to your campaign.

Commercial intent sits behind our factfinding

We're not profiling your audience for the sake of it. Ultimately, we want to know what makes them tick - what puts them off making a purchase and, vitally, what triggers them to do it. Through the whole discovery process, we're desperate to hear little clues that might inform our ability to successfully influence customers.

We have an innate understanding of commercial priorities, which is why we make return on investment the ultimate performance indicator in many of our campaigns. Even in the discovery phase, we're working to glean information that will benefit your bottom line later on.

Let's talk about how we can help you

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Setup a thirty minute introduction call with one of our team. We'll tell you more about theEword and our approach, and we'd love to hear more about your business.